# Day 4 Azure DevOps

# Welcome

Today we are going to focus on the topic of DevOps. Therefore we wil take a closer look at Azure DevOps (opens new window) and its components:

  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Repos

# Challenges

# Day4 - Goal

You already have deployed the sample application to Azure manually. Today we want to dive into Azure DevOps to show you how you can automate your build and deployment process. In addition we want to show you how you can plan and manage your work with Azure Boards and how you collaborate on code development using Azure Repo.

# Azure Boards

Azure Boards

We use Azure Boards to plan your work for Day 4. During the day you will use Azure Boards to define Features, UserStories and Tasks to reflect the progress of Day 4. At the end of the day you will know how to plan and track your work with Azure Boards and how you can plan your agile iterations.

Goal Azure Boards

# Azure Repos

Azure Repo

We use Azure Repos to work with a Git repository. During the day you will work with Git branches, commits and pull requests.

# Azure Pipelines

Azure Pipelines

We use Azure Pipelines to build and deploy the sample application to a Development and Testing stage on your Azure subscription. At the end of the day you will know how to create a CI/CD Pipeline for all Microservices of the sample application and how you continuously and consistently deploy services to Azure during your application lifecycle process.

To give you a short overview of all Microservices that are part of the sample application the following table shows you all services and the runtime that is used to implement them.

Service Tech
SCM Contacts API ASP.NET Core
SCM Resource API ASP.NET Core
SCM Search ASP.NET Core
SCM Visitreports API NodeJs
SCm Textanalytics NodeJs
SCM Frontend NodeJs

# Remarks

The challenges marked with the "💎" are the ones that focus on the sample application and represent the adoption of what you have learned in the challenges before. They results of the "💎" challenges will be reused in the upcoming days.

But do not panic in case you cannot finish them in time today: we got you covered tomorrow by a baseline deployment.

😎 Enjoy your day! 😎