# πŸ’Ž Breakout: Create CI/CD Pipelines to deploy the Azure Dev College Sample Application to Azure πŸ’Ž

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

In this breakout lesson we will deploy the sample application to Azure.

In Challenge 3, Challenge 4 and Challenge 5 you have learned how to create a CI/CD Pipeline to continuously and consistently deploy services to Azure. You have learned how to use Pull Requests, validation builds and how you track your work with Azure Boards. You may have noticed that there is still some work left to do until the sample application is deployed to your Development and Testing stage.

In this Breakout session we want you to deploy the remaining Microservices to your stages:

  • SCM Resource API
  • SCM Search API
  • SCM Visitreports API
  • SCM Textanalytics

As in Challenge 4 and Challenge 5 we will perform the following steps for each service:

  1. Set the corresponding User Stories to active
  2. Create a new feature branch and check it out
  3. Create the CI Build definition and validate it
  4. Create a the PR validation build
  5. Create the CD build for the stages Development and Testing
  6. Merge the feature branch into the master branch
  7. Update your master branch's policies to trigger the PR build to validate a Pull Request
  8. Test the build flow
  9. Update the SCM-Frontend-CD Release Pipeline, set the missing service endpoint in the variable section and run the pipeline
  10. Complete the User Stories

# Table of Contents

  1. SCM Resource API
  2. SCM Search API
  3. SCM Visitreports API
  4. SCM Textanalytics
  5. Test the Application
  6. Application Insights
  7. Congratulation

# SCM Resource API

This section covers the User Stories S6 and S7.

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmresourceapicicd
Projects to build apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/Adc.Scm.Resources.Api

Project runtime dotnetcore
ARM Templates apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-resources-api-dotnetcore.json

# Build Data

Name Value
Build trigger path filters day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-resources-api-dotnetcore.json

CI Build name SCM-Resources-CI
PR Build name SCM-Resource-PR
CD Build name SCM-Resources-CD

# CD Build Tasks

  • ARM template deployment --> scm-resources-api-dotnetcore.json
  • Azure App Service Deploy --> Adc.Scm.Resources.Api.zip
    • App Service type --> API App
    • App Service name --> $(ApiAppName)
  • Azure App Service deploy --> Adc.Scm.Resources.ImageResizer.zip
    • App Service type --> Function App on Windows
    • App Service name --> $(ResizerFunctionName)

CD Build agent runs on: Latest Ubuntu version

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Variable Value Scope ARM Template Parameter
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-DEV Development
Location westeurope Development
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4scmresourceapi-dev Development webAppName
AppServicePlanSKU B1 Development sku
Use32BitWorker false Development use32bitworker
AlwaysOn true Development alwaysOn
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4resdev (no spaces) Development storageAccountName
ResizerFunctionName {prefix}-day4resizer-dev Development functionAppName
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Development Development applicationInsightsName
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Development Development serviceBusNamespaceName

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Variable Value Scope ARM Template Parameter
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-TEST Testing
Location westeurope Testing
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4scmresourcesapi-test Testing webAppName
AppServicePlanSKU B1 Testing sku
Use32BitWorker false Testing use32bitworker
AlwaysOn true Testing alwaysOn
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4restest (no spaces) Testing storageAccountName
ResizerFunctionName {prefix}-day4resizer-test Testing functionAppName
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Testing Testing applicationInsightsName
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Testing Testing serviceBusNamespaceName

# CI Build YAML

pr: none
      - master
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-resources-api-dotnetcore.json
      - day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/*
  - job: Build
    displayName: Build Scm Contacts
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      - task: UseDotNet@2
        displayName: 'Acquire .NET Core Sdk 3.1.x'
          packageType: Sdk
          version: 3.1.x
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Restore
          command: restore
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/**/*.csproj'
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Build
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/**/*.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Publish
          command: publish
          publishWebProjects: false
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/Adc.Scm.Resources.Api/Adc.Scm.Resources.Api.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
          zipAfterPublish: True
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Publish
          command: publish
          publishWebProjects: false
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Resources/Adc.Scm.Resources.ImageResizer/Adc.Scm.Resources.ImageResizer.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
          zipAfterPublish: True
      - task: CopyFiles@2
          sourceFolder: day4/apps/infrastructure/templates
          contents: |
          targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
      - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
          targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
          artifactName: drop

# ARM Template Override Parameters

-webAppName $(ApiAppName) -sku $(AppServicePlanSKU) -use32bitworker $(Use32BitWorker) -alwaysOn $(AlwaysOn) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName) -functionAppName $(ResizerFunctionName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName)

# SCM Search API

This section covers the User Stories S8 and S9.

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmsearchapicicd*
Projects to build apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/Adc.Scm.Search.Api

Project runtime dotnetcore
ARM Templates apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-search-api-dotnetcore.json

# Build Data

Name Value
Build trigger path filters day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-search-api-dotnetcore.json

CI Build name SCM-Search-CI
PR Build name SCM-Search-PR
CD Build name SCM-Search-CD

# CD Build Tasks

  • ARM template deployment --> scm-search-api-dotnetcore.json
  • Azure App Service Deploy --> Adc.Scm.Search.Api.zip
    • App Service type --> Web App on Windows
    • App Service name --> $(ApiAppName)- Azure App Service Deploy --> Adc.Scm.Search.Indexer.zip
    • App Service type --> Function App on Windows
    • App Service name --> $(IndexerFunctionName)

CD Build agent runs on: Latest Ubuntu version

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Variable Value Scope ARM Template Parameter
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-DEV Development
Location westeurope Development
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4scmsearchapi-dev Development webAppName
AppServicePlanSKU B1 Development appPlanSKU
Use32BitWorker false Development use32bitworker
AlwaysOn true Development alwaysOn
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4srdev (no spaces) Development storageAccountName
IndexerFunctionName {prefix}-day4indexer-dev Development functionAppName
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Development Development applicationInsightsName
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Development Development serviceBusNamespaceName
AzureSearchServiceName {prefix}-day4search-dev Development azureSearchServiceName
AzureSearchSKU basic Development azureSearchSKU
AzureSearchReplicaCount 1 Development azureSearchReplicaCount
AzureSearchPartitionCount 1 Development azureSearchPartitionCount

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Variable Value Scope ARM Template Parameter
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-TEST Testing
Location westeurope Testing
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4scmsearchapi-dev Testing webAppName
AppServicePlanSKU B1 Testing appPlanSKU
Use32BitWorker false Testing use32bitworker
AlwaysOn true Testing alwaysOn
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4srdev (no spaces) Testing storageAccountName
IndexerFunctionName {prefix}-day4indexer-dev Testing functionAppName
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Testing Testing applicationInsightsName
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Testing Testing serviceBusNamespaceName
AzureSearchServiceName {prefix}-day4search-dev Testing azureSearchServiceName
AzureSearchSKU basic Testing azureSearchSKU
AzureSearchReplicaCount 1 Testing azureSearchReplicaCount
AzureSearchPartitionCount 1 Testing azureSearchPartitionCount

# CI Build YAML

pr: none
      - master
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-search-api-dotnetcore.json
      - day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/*
  - job: Build
    displayName: Build Scm Search
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      - task: UseDotNet@2
        displayName: 'Acquire .NET Core Sdk 3.1.x'
          packageType: Sdk
          version: 3.1.x
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Restore
          command: restore
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/**/*.csproj'
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Build
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/**/*.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Publish
          command: publish
          publishWebProjects: false
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/Adc.Scm.Search.Api/Adc.Scm.Search.Api.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
          zipAfterPublish: True
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: Publish
          command: publish
          publishWebProjects: false
          projects: 'day4/apps/dotnetcore/Scm.Search/Adc.Scm.Search.Indexer/Adc.Scm.Search.Indexer.csproj'
          arguments: --configuration Release --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
          zipAfterPublish: True
      - task: CopyFiles@2
          sourceFolder: day4/apps/infrastructure/templates
          contents: |
          targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
      - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
          targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
          artifactName: drop

# ARM Template Override Parameters

-webAppName $(ApiAppName) -appPlanSKU $(AppServicePlanSKU) -use32bitworker $(Use32BitWorker) -alwaysOn $(AlwaysOn) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName) -functionAppName $(IndexerFunctionName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -azureSearchServiceName $(AzureSearchServiceName) -azureSearchSKU $(AzureSearchSKU) -azureSearchReplicaCount $(AzureSearchReplicaCount) -azureSearchPartitionCount $(AzureSearchPartitionCount)

# SCM Visitreports API

This section covers the User Stories S10 and S11.

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmvisitreportscicd
Projects to build apps/nodejs/visitreport
Project runtime Node.js
ARM Templates apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json



πŸ“First deploy scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json, then deploy scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json

# Build Data

Name Value
Build trigger path filters day4/apps/nodejs/visitreport/\*


CI Build name SCM-Visitreports-CI
PR Build name SCM-Visitreports-PR
CD Build name SCM-Visitreports-CD

# CD Build Tasks

  • ARM template deployment --> scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json
  • ARM template deployment --> scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json
  • Azure App Service deploy --> Adc.Scm.VisitReports.zip
    • App Service type --> Web App on Linux
    • App Service name --> $(ApiAppName)

CD Build agent runs on: Latest Ubuntu version

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Variable Value Scope
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-DEV Development
ResourceGroupNameTux ADC-DAY4-SCM-TUX-DEV Development
Location westeurope Development
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4vsapi-dev Development
AppServicePlanSKU Standard Development
AppServicePlanSKUCode S1 Development
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Development Development
CosmosDbAccount your Cosmos Account Name of stage Development Development
CosmosDatabaseName scmvisitreports Development
CosmosDatabaseContainerName visitreports Development
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Development Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Variable Value Scope
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-TEST Testing
ResourceGroupNameTux ADC-DAY4-SCM-TUX-TEST Testing
Location westeurope Testing
ApiAppName {prefix}-day4vsapi-test Testing
AppServicePlanSKU Standard Testing
AppServicePlanSKUCode S1 Testing
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Testing Testing
CosmosDbAccount your Cosmos Account Name of stage Testing Testing
CosmosDatabaseName scmvisitreports Testing
CosmosDatabaseContainerName visitreports Testing
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Testing Testing

# Variables to ARM Template Parameters


πŸ“Make sure that you apply the ARM Template scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json to ResourceGroup ResourceGroupName and that you apply the ARM Template scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json to ResourceGroup ResourceGroupNameTux

ARM Template ARM Template Parameter Variable to use Deploy to ResourceGroup
scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json cosmosDbAccount CosmosDbAccount ResourceGroupName
scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json cosmosDatabaseName CosmosDatabaseName ResourceGroupName
scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json cosmosDatabaseContainerName CosmosDatabaseContainerName ResourceGroupName
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json sku AppServicePlanSKU ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json skuCode AppServicePlanSKUCode ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json webAppName ApiAppName ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json applicationInsightsName ApplicationInsightsName ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json cosmosDbAccount CosmosDbAccount ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json serviceBusNamespaceName ServiceBusNamespaceName ResourceGroupNameTux
scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json commonResGroup ResourceGroupName ResourceGroupNameTux


πŸ“ To build a Node.js application you have to install NodeJs on your build agent first. After the installation you can run a bash script that executes npm install in your project folder. Next, you can create a zip file and copy it to the artifacts staging directory to publish it in the next step.

# CI Build YAML

pr: none
      - master
      - day4/apps/nodejs/visitreport/*
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json
  - task: NodeTool@0
      versionSpec: '12.x'
    displayName: 'Install Node.js'
  - task: Bash@3
      workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/day4/apps/nodejs/visitreport'
      targetType: 'inline'
      displayName: 'npm install'
      script: npm install
  - task: ArchiveFiles@2
    displayName: 'Archive build files'
      rootFolderOrFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/day4/apps/nodejs/visitreport'
      includeRootFolder: false
      archiveType: zip
      archiveFile: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Adc.Scm.VisitReports.zip
      replaceExistingArchive: true
  - task: CopyFiles@2
      sourceFolder: day4/apps/infrastructure/templates
      contents: |
      targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
      targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
      artifactName: drop

# ARM Template Override Parameters

  • scm-visitreport-nodejs-db.json

    -cosmosDbAccount $(CosmosDbAccount) -cosmosDatabaseName $(CosmosDatabaseName) -cosmosDatabaseContainerName $(CosmosDatabaseContainerName)
  • scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json

    -sku $(AppServicePlanSKU) -skuCode $(AppServicePlanSKUCode) -webAppName $(ApiAppName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -cosmosDbAccount $(CosmosDbAccount) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -commonResGroup $(ResourceGroupName)


πŸ“ Make sure that your AppService deployment task is configured as follows

AppService Deployment Task

# SCM Textanalytics

This section covers the User Stories S12 and S13.

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmtextanalyticscicd
Projects to build apps/nodejs/textanalytics
Project runtime Node.js
ARM Templates apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json



πŸ“First deploy scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json, then deploy scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json

# Build Data

Name Value
Build trigger path filters day4/apps/nodejs/textanalytics/\*


CI Build name SCM-Textanalytics-CI
PR Build name SCM-Textanalytics-PR
CD Build name SCM-Textanalytics-CD

# CD Build Tasks

  • ARM template deployment --> scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json
  • ARM template deployment --> scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json
  • Azure App Service deploy --> Adc.Scm.Textanalytics.zip
    • App Service type --> Function App on Linux
    • App Service name: --> $(FunctionAppName)

CD Build agent runs on: Latest Ubuntu version

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Variable Value Scope
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-DEV Development
ResourceGroupNameFunc ADC-DAY4-SCM-FUNC-DEV Development
Location westeurope Development
TextAnalyticsName {prefix}-day4cognitive-dev Development
TextAnalyticsTier S Development
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4tadev (no spaces) Development
FunctionAppName {prefix}-day4tafunc-dev Development
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Development Development
CosmosDbAccount your Cosmos Account Name of stage Development Development
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Development Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Variable Value Scope
ResourceGroupName ADC-DAY4-SCM-TEST Testing
ResourceGroupNameFunc ADC-DAY4-SCM-FUNC-TEST Testing
Location westeurope Testing
TextAnalyticsName {prefix}-day4cognitive-test Testing
TextAnalyticsTier S Testing
StorageAccountName {prefix} day4tatest (no spaces) Testing
FunctionAppName {prefix}-day4tafunc-test Testing
ApplicationInsightsName your ApplicationInsights instance name of stage Testing Testing
CosmosDbAccount your Cosmos Account Name of stage Testing Testing
ServiceBusNamespaceName your ServiceBus namespace name of stage Testing Testing

# Variables to ARM Template Parameters


πŸ“ Make sure that you apply the ARM Template scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json to ResourceGroup ResourceGroupName and that you apply the ARM Template scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json to ResourceGroup ResourceGroupNameFunc

ARM Template ARM Template Parameter Variable to use Deploy to ResourceGroup
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json taname TextAnalyticsName ResourceGroupName
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json tatier TextAnalyticsTier ResourceGroupName
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json storageAccountName StorageAccountName ResourceGroupName
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json functionAppName FunctionAppName ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json storageAccountName StorageAccountName ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json taname TextAnalyticsName ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json applicationInsightsName ApplicationInsightsName ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json cosmosDbAccount CosmosDbAccount ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json serviceBusNamespaceName ServiceBusNamespaceName ResourceGroupNameFunc
scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json commonResGroup ResourceGroupName ResourceGroupNameFunc


πŸ“ To build SCM Textanalytics we need to use Node.js version 10.x.

# CI Build YAML

pr: none
      - master
      - day4/apps/nodejs/textanalytics/*
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json
      - day4/apps/infrastructure/templates/scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json
  - task: NodeTool@0
      versionSpec: '10.x'
    displayName: 'Install Node.js'
  - task: Bash@3
      workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/day4/apps/nodejs/textanalytics'
      targetType: 'inline'
      displayName: 'npm install'
      script: npm install
  - task: ArchiveFiles@2
    displayName: 'Archive build files'
      rootFolderOrFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/day4/apps/nodejs/textanalytics'
      includeRootFolder: false
      archiveType: zip
      archiveFile: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Adc.Scm.Textanalytics.zip
      replaceExistingArchive: true
  - task: CopyFiles@2
      sourceFolder: day4/apps/infrastructure/templates
      contents: |
      targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
      targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
      artifactName: drop

# ARM Template Override Parameters

  • scm-textanalytics-nodejs-common.json

    -taname $(TextAnalyticsName) -tatier $(TextAnalyticsTier) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName)
  • scm-textanalytics-nodejs-infra.json

    -functionAppName $(FunctionAppName) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName) -taname $(TextAnalyticsName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -cosmosDbAccount $(CosmosDbAccount) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -commonResGroup $(ResourceGroupName)


πŸ“ Make sure that your AppService deployment task is configured as follows:

App Service Deployment Task

# Test the Application

Now that you have deployed all services to Azure it's time to test it!

  • Go to the Azure Portal and navigate to the Resource Group ADC-DAY4-SCM-DEV
  • Open the StorageAccount {prefix} day4scmfedev and go to Static website
  • Copy the url of the Primary endpoint
  • Open a new browser window and paste the url. If everything is configured correctly, the Azure Developer College's Sample Application should work
  • Try to add some Contacts, add Avatars and create VisitReports
  • If you want you can check the Testing stage, too

# Application Insights

Now that we have created some test data, go to the Application Insights instance of your Development stage and open the Application Map.


πŸ“If nothing is displayed, wait some minutes, it takes ts time until all data is pushed to ApplicationInsights.

With Application Insights, Azure Monitor offers a distributed tracing solution that makes a developer’s live easier. Application Insights offers an application map view which aggregates many transactions to show a topological view of how the systems interact, and what the average performance and error rates are.

Take some time and look at the map to see what information an operator can get from it.


Now navigate to the Performance view. Here you find all details about operations and dependencies of your services. In the upper panel you can apply filters to investigate your telemetry:

Performance Filter

Check out some details about the SCM API operations:


Drill into a sample and see the "End-to-End transaction":


# Congratulation

πŸ₯³ Congratulation - You've done it! πŸ₯³

β—€ Previous challenge | πŸ”Ό Day 4 |