# 💎 Breakout: Integrate the sample application into Azure AD 💎

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

Deploy the sample application with Azure AD Integration.

In Challenge 3 we already created the needed Azure AD applications to integrate the SCM Contacts API into Azure AD. We acquired an access_token from Azure AD and made a request to the API. Now it's time to integrate all APIs of the sample application into Azure AD.

Here is the list of the remaining services we have to integrate into Azure AD:

  • SCM Resource API
  • SCM Search API
  • SCM Visitreports API
  • SCM Textanalytics
  • SCM Frontend


📝 If you started this day based on the checkpoint, please follow this link to see an adopted guide.

As in Challenge 3 we always perform the following steps for each service:

  1. Create and checkout a new branch
  2. Edit the the existing build definition and change everything from day4 to day5
  3. Save the definition, commit the changes and push the branch to the remote repository
  4. Run the build targeting the feature branch
  5. Edit the Release definition, add the needed variables and adjust the deployment tasks
  6. Run the Release build
  7. Merge the feature branch into the master branch

We don't need to create additional Azure AD applications for the remaining services. All APIs uses the same Azure AD application that we already created in Challenge 3 for each stage (Development and Testing). The frontend service uses the client application.


📝 Be careful that you don't confuse the IDs of the stage Development and Testing.

# Table Of Contents

  1. SCM Frontend
  2. SCM Resource API
  3. SCM Search API
  4. SCM VisitReports API
  5. SCM Textanalytics
  6. Wrap-Up

# SCM Frontend

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmfrontendaad
Build definition yaml scm-frontend-ci.yaml
Release definition SCM-Frontend-CD

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Name Value
AadTenantId the Id of your Azure Ad Tenant
AadApiClientIdUri http://scmapi-dev (opens new window)
AadFrontendClientId UI AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application for stage Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Name Value
AadTenantId the Id of your Azure Ad Tenant
AadApiClientIdUri http://scmapi-test (opens new window)
AadFrontendClientId UI AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application for stage Testing


📝 As on Day 4 we have to configure the settings for the SCM Frontend. Adjust the Azure CLI task which applies the settings to dist/settings.js as follows:

echo "var uisettings = { \"tenantId\": \"$(AadTenantId)\", \"audience\": \"$(AadApiClientIdUri)\", \"clientId\": \"$(AadFrontendClientId)\", \"enableStats\": true, \"endpoint\": \"$(ContactsEndpoint)\", \"resourcesEndpoint\": \"$(ResourcesEndpoint)\", \"searchEndpoint\": \"$(SearchEndpoint)\", \"reportsEndpoint\": \"$(ReportsEndpoint)\", \"aiKey\": \"`az resource show -g $(ResourceGroupName) -n $(ApplicationInsightsName) --resource-type "microsoft.insights/components" --query "properties.InstrumentationKey" -o tsv`\" };" > $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/_SCM Frontend-CI/drop/dist/settings/settings.js

Please skip this step if you've started on the checkpoint, the correct variable replacement should already be in place.

Make sure that you copy the whole line!

# SCM Resource API

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmresourcesaad
Build definition yaml scm-resources-ci.yaml
Release definition SCM-Resources-CD

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadInstance https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens new window) aadInstance Development
AadClientId API AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application aadClientId Development
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Development
AadDomain The domain name of your Azure AD e.g. azuredevcollege.onmicrosoft.com aadDomain Development
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-dev (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadInstance https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens new window) aadInstance Testing
AadClientId API AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application for stage Testing aadClientId Testing
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Testing
AadDomain The domain name of your Azure AD e.g. azuredevcollege.onmicrosoft.com aadDomain Testing
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-test (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Testing

# ARM Template Override Parameters

-webAppName $(ApiAppName) -sku $(AppServicePlanSKU) -use32bitworker $(Use32BitWorker) -alwaysOn $(AlwaysOn) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName) -functionAppName $(ResizerFunctionName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -aadInstance $(AadInstance) -aadClientId $(AadClientId) -aadTenantId $(AadTenantId) -aadDomain $(AadDomain) -aadClientIdUri $(AadClientIdUri)

# SCM Search API

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmsearchaad
Build definition yaml scm-search-ci.yaml
Release definition SCM-Search-CD

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadInstance https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens new window) aadInstance Development
AadClientId API AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application aadClientId Development
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Development
AadDomain The domain name of your Azure AD e.g. azuredevcollege.onmicrosoft.com aadDomain Development
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-dev (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadInstance https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens new window) aadInstance Testing
AadClientId API AppId, the value that you received from the output when you created the Azure AD application for stage Testing aadClientId Testing
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Testing
AadDomain The domain name of your Azure AD e.g. azuredevcollege.onmicrosoft.com aadDomain Testing
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-test (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Testing

# ARM Template Override Parameters

-webAppName $(ApiAppName) -appPlanSKU $(AppServicePlanSKU) -use32bitworker $(Use32BitWorker) -alwaysOn $(AlwaysOn) -storageAccountName $(StorageAccountName) -functionAppName $(IndexerFunctionName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -azureSearchServiceName $(AzureSearchServiceName) -azureSearchSKU $(AzureSearchSKU) -azureSearchReplicaCount $(AzureSearchReplicaCount) -azureSearchPartitionCount $(AzureSearchPartitionCount) -aadInstance $(AadInstance) -aadClientId $(AadClientId) -aadTenantId $(AadTenantId) -aadDomain $(AadDomain) -aadClientIdUri $(AadClientIdUri)

# SCM VisitReports API

# Basics

Name Value
Feature branch features/scmvisitreportsaad
Build definition yaml scm-visitreports-ci.yaml
Release definition SCM-VisitReports-CD

# CD Build Variables - Stage Development


📝 You only need to adjust the deployment task that uses the ARM template scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Development
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-dev (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Development

# CD Build Variables - Stage Testing

Name Value ARM Template parameter Stage
AadTenantId The id of your Azure AD Tenant aadTenantId Testing
AadClientIdUri http://scmapi-test (opens new window) aadClientIdUri Testing

# ARM Template Override Parameters

This is relevant for the file scm-visitreport-nodejs-infra.json:

-sku $(AppServicePlanSKU) -skuCode $(AppServicePlanSKUCode) -webAppName $(ApiAppName) -applicationInsightsName $(ApplicationInsightsName) -cosmosDbAccount $(CosmosDbAccount) -serviceBusNamespaceName $(ServiceBusNamespaceName) -commonResGroup $(ResourceGroupName) -aadTenantId $(AadTenantId) -aadClientIdUri $(AadClientIdUri)

# SCM Textanalytics

Feature branch: features/scmtextanalyticsaad

Build definition yaml: scm-textanalytics-ci.yaml

Release definition: SCM-TextAnalytics-CD


📝 As the service SCM TextAnalytics does not offer an accessible API there is no need to adjust the Release build. We only need to adjust the build definition, create a new build and deploy it to Azure.

# Wrap-Up

🎉 Congratulations 🎉

You've done it. There is nothing more to add, just test the application and enjoy your success 🥳

◀ Previous challenge | 🔼 Day 5 |