# Challenge 9: Networking - Connect Two Virtual Networks Using Azure VNET Peering

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

How to connect 2 virtual networks with Azure VNET Peering. Our final architecture should look like this:

Final architecture

At first you will deploy the start environment and then you will implement the peering.

# Table of Contents

  1. Deploy the Starting Point
  2. Implement the VNET peering
  3. Check if the peering works
  4. Cleanup

# Deploy the Starting Point

In this directory there is an ARM-template which 2 virtual networks and 2 VMs and its requirements (networking, disks,...):

Deploy this scenario into your subscription by clicking on the

Name Value
Resource group (new) rg-VNETPeering
Location West Europe
Admin user demouser
Admin password %some complex value%
Vm Size Standard_B2s or try e.g. Standard_F2s_v2
Disk Sku StandardSSD_LRS

The result should look similar to this:

Deployment result

# Implement the VNET peering

You need to create the peerings on each virtual network:

  • VNET1 ---> VNET2
  • VNET2 ---> VNET1

The wizard in the portal is smart enough to let create 2 peerings in a single step. Select e.g. VNET1 as starting point:

[Azure Portal] 
-> Resource Groups 
-> "rg-VNETPeering" 
-> "VNET1" 
-> Peerings -> Add
Name Value
This virtual network (Peering link name) VNET1-to-VNET2
Virtual Network (to peer with) VNET2
Remote virtual network (Peering link name) VNET2-to-VNET1

VNET Peering settings

# Check if the peering works

  1. Connect to one VM through RDP using its public ip address: e.g. VMonVNET1 through
[Azure Portal] 
-> Virtual Machines 
-> "VMonVNET1" 
-> Connect
User Password
demouser %your deployment password%
  1. Open a command prompt and ping the other VM using its internal IP: In our case VMonVNET2 - should be

VNET Peering ping test

# Cleanup

Delete the resource group rg-VNETPeering

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