# Challenge 3 (optional): VM and Azure Backup - Save your VM state

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

  • How to backup an Azure VM using the Azure backup service.
  • Create a backup vault
  • Recover a file

# Table Of Contents

  1. Starting point
  2. Create a Backup Vault
  3. Trigger a Manual VM Backup
  4. Do a VM Recovery (optional)
  5. Do a File Recovery (optional)

# Starting point

In case you need a VM to backup - Click on the button.

# Create a Backup Vault

[Azure Portal] 
-> Resource Groups 
-> 'rg-contosomortgage-www' 
-> 'vmweb01'
-> Operations -> Backup


Recovery Services vault 
-> 'Create new' 
-> 'vault...'


Resource Group 
-> 'Create new' 
-> 'rg-contosomortgage-backups'


Choose backup policy 
-> '(new) DailyPolicy' 
-> Enable Backup


📝 You might want to pack all of your VM backups in a separate Resource Group as backups of VMs might live longer than the actual VM.


# Trigger a Manual VM Backup

  • Navigate to your VM in the Azure portal -> Operations -> Backup 🔎 Observation The view has changed after creating the vault.

  • Trigger the backup manually

    Trigger the backup manually

  • Press View all jobs to get a status of the backup. It'll take some time for the backup to finish.


    • How many copies of backup data does Azure do ('redundancy') by default?
    • Do offline VMs also get backup'ed?
    • What is 'Soft Delete'?
    • Which 'Azure' workloads can be backed up?
    • Does Azure Backup support 'on premise' backups?


    📝 Try to answer some questions through navigating to your backup vault properties

    [Azure Portal] 
    -> Resource Groups 
    -> 'rg-contosomortgage-backups' 
    -> 'vault...' 
    -> Properties

# Do a VM Recovery (optional)

[Azure Portal]
-> Virtual Machines 
-> vmadds01 
-> Operations 
-> Backup 
-> Restore VM

Question What is needed for a VM recovery?

# Do a File Recovery (optional)

File recovery enables you to recover individual files selected from a backup at a given point in time.
The backup is mounted as drive to your local machine via the internet.

[Azure Portal] 
-> Virtual Machines 
-> vmadds01 
-> Operations 
-> Backup 
-> File Recovery  

File Restore

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