# Challenge 2: VM and Managed Disks - Attach a Data Disk to a VM, Extend and Retype it

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

  • Create a data disk and attach it to a virtual machine

# Table Of Contents

  1. Create and attach a new disk
  2. Logon to your windows VM and partition the disk
  3. Extend your disk
  4. Cleanup

# Create and attach a new disk

[Azure Portal] 
-> Virtual machines 
-> e.g. 'vmfirst001' 
-> Data disks 
-> "+ Create and attach a new disk"
Name Value
LUN (aka logical unit number) e.g. 0
Disk name e.g. vmfirst001-disk-001
Account type Standard SSD
Size 128GiB (E10)
Host caching Read/write

And don't forget the SAVE button!

# Logon to your windows VM and partition the disk

[Azure Portal] 
-> Virtual machines e.g. 'vmfirst001' 
-> Connect 
-> RDP 
-> Download RDP File 
-> open...
  • Once logged into the VM - execute diskmgmt.msc to open the Disk Manager. Your attached data disk will show up 'uninitialized'.

  • Initialize:

    Disk Manager

  • Partition and format it:

    Disk Manager extended disk

# Extend your disk

  • To modify an existing disk it must be 'detached' first from the VM:

    [Azure Portal] 
    -> Virtual machines e.g. 'vmfirst001'
    -> Disks
  • Detach it

    VM disk detach

And don't forget the SAVE button!

  • Find your disk in the resource group and change it's configuration

    [Azure Portal] 
    -> Resource Groups 
    -> rg-firstvm-test-001 
    -> vmfirst001-disk-001 
    -> Size + performance
  • The new disk should:

    • support 99.9% availabilty
    • have 256GiB disk size and support 1100 IOPS disk
  • Attach disk back to VM. Once done it'll show up in the VMs like:

    VM with extended disk


    📝 Attaching data disks can be done with a running VM.


  • How much is a E10 / month? (fix price, variable costs, region differences)
  • Can a disk be resized without losing its data?
  • Can I easily downsize a disk?

# Cleanup

Delete the resource group. This will also delete its containing artifacts.

[Azure Portal] 
-> Resource Groups 
-> rg-firstvm-test-001 
-> 'Delete resource group'

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